Thursday, March 29, 2007

Some More JMU Pix

Dave has already posted some of his photos of James Madison University. I've put a few of mine below.

I'm looking forward to Saturday as it will be the first weekend in six weeks in which I don't have to go anywhere, chaperone anyone or tabulate competition scores. On the other hand, I have to practice several pieces on the piano. I'm accompanying Joshua on two solos within the next couple of weeks and our Songsters (choir) have some big stuff coming up for Good Friday and Easter.

I'm also falling behind on my book review reading, so I'd better close off and crack the covers of the latest one.

UPDATE: I opened my email Friday morning and was reminded that I have a full weekend ahead of me after all. The Yorkminster Songsters & Band are visiting our corps this weekend. Since I am a member of the Arlington Songsters, I will be attending all of their events:

Saturday, 3 PM - outdoor concert at the Iwo Jima Memorial
Saturday, 5 PM - Yorkminster and Arlington musical groups joint supper
Saturday, 7 PM - Yorkminster concert
Sunday, 10:45 AM - worship service led by Yorkminster groups
Sunday, noon or so - Yorkminster and Arlington musical groups joint dinner

It looks like I'll be practicing the piano on Friday night, Saturday morning and Sunday evening.

Oh well, I don't have anything booked (yet) for the Saturday before Easter and I'm also free (so far) on Saturday, April 21. Otherwise, you'll have to check with my booking agent to schedule dinner, interviews, etc.


Barbara said...

I hate it when I'm planning on having a relaxing weekend and it doesn't work out. Enoy Yorkminster. Hopefully you'll have some downtime.

Erik said...

You must be able to be at two places at the same time, otherwise I can't understand how you manage all this, and on top of that maintain your blog-contacts. Don't take too much hay on your fork (or is this Dutch?) Chapeau!

Jenn said...

i like those purple trees

Evie said...

Erik, I think the corresponding American expression is, "Don't bite off more than you can chew."