Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Family Connections

Something interesting happened to me this afternoon. Since things at work were a bit slow, I spent a few minutes cruising the Internet for photos of Venice and Rome; this was homework for the trip Dave and I will be taking in April. Then, I decided to look for some photos of Sicily. From there, I did a search for information about my grandfather Camuti and came across some information about a California cousin - Tim Camuti - whom I've never met. I introduced myself to him in an email and, lo and behold, he responded positively!

Tim has a website on which he is compiling genealogical information about the Camuti family. I've registered for the site (My Heritage) and have asked Tim to add me as a family member with access to his site. Once that happens, I'll be able to see what information he has, then share anything I know with him. I don't know anything about the west coast branch of the family and he apparently has little information about the east coast branch. Between the two of us, we may be able to put together some interesting information and get a fuller picture of the Camuti clan.

Dotti - I'll email you with Tim's contact information, as I'm sure you'll be interested in connecting with him.

Sharon - I may be contacting you soon for information about the Olley family. I know you've been compiling that information for years. Dave and I started putting together Sears and Camuti information years ago, but haven't done anything with it for awhile. This new contact may give us an opportunity to fill out the Sears-Camuti-Olley family trees some more.

So - what began as a mundane day became interesting in a hurry. What a cool way to end an old year.


Dotti said...

I didn't know we had a cousin Tim either. Is he cousin Tony's son,cousin Laura's or cousin Irene's? Uncle Milton's kids were Irene, Tony, Elaine, and Laura. At one time, Elaine was a nun although I think she left the order.

parsoncarson said...

Just got around to catching up on your blog Evie...

Our English cousins have been doing most of the work... I just connected a couple of them to each other...and email Linda Olley Smith once in a while...
is still up as far as I know...

Also have a cousin's husband who keeps adding extended family on the Canty side of the family...

Bill's brother has been finding Zeyers all over the world since facebook became so popular.
