Saturday, January 02, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Okay, I'm two days late with this post, # 450. But, better late than never, so they say. Of course, the only people who actually say that are the people who are late. Anyway, today's post is a mystery photo. Guess what these objects are:

The only hint I'll provide is that I saw them here, Nottoway Plantation, which is located on a bank of the Mississippi River in Louisiana:

In case you're wondering, the answer to the mystery question will be revealed whenever I remember to get around to it.


Jenn said...

a lock/doorknob of some sort?

Catharine said...

Jenn, I thought the same thing. It looks like it may be a peep hole, too.

Evie said...

It is a doorknob and a keyhole cover. The thing that was cool about this is that were several dozen of these in this mansion. They were all hand painted and each one was unique.