Charleston is not a major setting for Gone With the Wind. Its primary significance to the story is that it is the ancestral home of the charming rascal, Rhett Butler (definitely one of the sexiest male characters ever to grace both a novel and the big screen).
Our hotel was in the historic district, just around the corner from this Confederate Museum. The admission was only $5, and the collection of Civil War artifacts was pretty decent.

We also spent some time walking around the city. The College of Charleston, founded in 1770, has one of the most beautiful campuses I've ever seen. The Rotunda is the site of the outdoor graduation ceremony. In lieu of caps and gowns, graduands wear formal white gowns and white tuxedos. Classy! Also, notice the graceful "Welcoming Arms" staircases (I prefer the curved ones below, as opposed to the squared ones in the photo above). Male graduands exit the building and enter the courtyard from the left staircase, and female graduands enter from the right.

It must be terribly difficult to toil away in an office in a building like this every day.

Rainbow Row, which is adjacent to The Battery, is lined with colorful homes.

A typical Battery mansion:

Another view of the Battery - don't miss the heron - we saw quite a few of them on our trip to Fort Sumter:

One of many seagulls we saw on the way to Fort Sumter:

Thus concludes our Gone With the Wind vacation. Now that we've gotten a good overview of the city, Dave and I are looking forward to going back again, sometime, and exploring the city in more depth.
There's so much charm in the South.
Beautiful architecture. I have never been to the Carolinas. I must go sometime.
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